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IQPC ID: Where the Anti-Pirates Parley
8th Anti-Piracy & Content Protection - Registration Form
Speed up your attendance! Complete this registration form and email back to us at enquiryiqpc@iqpc.com for a speedy registration.
Past Attendee Snapshot
Curious about who attended the last summit? We have you covered. From companies to job titles, here's a glance at some of the industry experts represented at last year's summit - many of whom you're likely to run into on the show floor this year.
Convince Your Boss Letter
Present your boss with this customizable letter detailing the reasons why you should attend the 7th Anti-Piracy & Content Protection Summit, this June in Los Angeles, and you'll be sure to receive permission to join us.
5 Reasons to Attend
Fast Track Packet
Seek and Destroy: An Anti-Pirate's Best Friend
Ahead of this year’s 8th Annual Anti-Piracy and Content Protection Summit on June 26-28 in Los Angeles, California, we sat down with experts Cyril Rickelton-Abdi, Sr. Director of Content Security at Turner Broadcasting System and Simon Brown, Director of Content Protection/Anti-Piracy at the Film Content Protection Agency (FCPA). They uncover for us some of the most helpful material to get your anti-piracy game on point, and will both be speaking even further at the summit this June.