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Aligning Business Needs with an Effective Transformation Strategy: Enhancing Service Capabilities and Customer Centricity in a Rapidly Changing Digital Environment

Given the rise of digital disruption, the emerging role of Chief Transformation Officer is being thrust into the spotlight as companies are now tasked with keeping up with the latest i ...

Effectively Scaling Organisational Changes: Driving Successful Business Outcomes through Agile Transformation

We caught up with Ben Frederiksen, Head of Customer Strategy and Operations ANZ at Uber Eats to learn more about how the organisation is able to effectively align across functions and make considered decisions at pace whilst putting the customer at the forefront of transformational strategies, ahead ...

When Humans Lead, the Tech Succeeds: Putting People at the Heart of Digital Transformation

New research from Capgeminiā€™s Digital Transformation Institute highlights that the minority of businesses feel they have the digital and leadership capabilities needed to make their digital transformation journey a success, with the survey of 1,300 business leaders in over 750 organisations showi ...

View the Chief Transformation Officer 2019 Event Guide

In a disruptive business environment, transformation is becoming increasingly invaluable to any enterprise wishing to remain competitive.However, as an emerging role, transformation practitioners must swim against the tide with prevalence of a lack of understanding around their role, limit ...