Re-Thinking Clinical Trials in Oncology
 Assessing the landscape of novel trial design for cancer therapies to improve data collection, enhance patient access, and drive clinical outcomes for breakthrough therapies

October 28, 2020 | Live Virtual Forum (EST)

How to Use Brella

Brella hosts the key people in the community and allows you to view high-quality sessions, connect with the professionals most useful for you, book 1-to-1 virtual meetings, and much more.

Powerful event matchmaking with AI

Attendees choose their interests and their event goals, then the AI suggests the best people to meet.

Detailed profile - Custom pitch, profile photo, social media links and more.

Relevant interests & intents - Achieve your goals with detailed intents around specific interests.

No-sweat sign in - Social authentications make registration a breeze.

Book 1:1 meetings with top matches

Attendees select a time, send a meeting request, and receive a location automatically.

Meeting schedule - View your event schedule side-by-side with their meeting schedule.

Rescheduling - Reschedule meetings easily with a few clicks.

Chat & video conferencing - Chat opens once the meeting is accepted, plus you can network virtually.


  • Use Google Chrome for the best event experience!
  • Make sure that you watch all presentation/streams from your personal devices so as to not encounter the Government/Company firewalls.