Pre-Conference Workshop: Monday, 2nd December 2019


Workshop A

9:30 am - 12:00 pm Implementing a Strategic Approach to Enable Flexibility Across Multiple Departments

In Australia, gender equality is a main focus when discussing flexible working and in particular a strategy to enable women to return to work after maternity leave. This has enabled the shift of flexibility on workplace practices to focus on reduced work hours, part-time and job sharing.

The future of flexible working has the potential to enable organisational development with benefits to employees, employers, customers and society. The key barriers to flexible working that are common across all organisations are culture and mindsets, manager skills and experience. The traditional view of the ‘ -5 worker’ continues to influence the culture of an organisation to attract and retain talent. Overcoming these barriers will improve service delivery and organisational development.

What will this workshop cover?
  • Developing a strategic approach to enable flexibility across an organisation with multiple departments
  • Implementing flexible working to attract and retain talent across several workforce demographics
  • Overcoming barriers through effective strategies that enable further understanding of flexibility benefits 
  • Realising the benefits of flexible working to improve service delivery and customer satisfaction


Workshop B

12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Influencing Leaderships to Change their Mindset on Flexible Work Culture

The traditional ways of working are changing to accommodate to the new ways of working which offers flexible work arrangements. Creating a flexible working environment involves embracing a cultural change that encourages employees to tell managers what flexibility means to them. Encouraging this cultural change requires leadership to set the example and embrace flexibility.

Managers lack the confidence, tools and skills to embrace flexibility in a positive way. Changing the mindsets of managers to embrace flexibility requires an influence on their behaviour. In order to demonstrate flexibility they need to believe in the benefits of flexible work. Organisations find that changing the mindset of managers through positive outcome driven results will allow them to see the value.

What will this workshop cover?
  • Utilising data to build a business case to demonstrate the benefits of flexible working
  • Developing strategies to communicate with stakeholders to gain executive buy-in
  • Demonstrating outcome driven flexible work practices to support the need for flexible change
  • Understanding the cultural change that flexibility offers to enable the shift of mindsets of managers
