Main Event Day 2: 23rd September 2020

10:20 am - 10:30 am (8.20am AWST) - Conference Opening – Remarks from the Conference Chairperson

As electricity grids are challenged by threats of weather, cyber and the rapid growth of distributed energy resources Microgrids are a solution to a more sustainable, secure and reliable energy supply. What’s more they offer the opportunity to utilise more renewable energy resources and move to a greener future. This panel will discuss:

  • Tools, methods and trials for increasing hosting capacity of DER on the network
  • How to make DER work for both for electricity users and the power system
  • Opportunities and strategies for diversifying your asset portfolio and integrating morerenewable energy into operations

Chris Judd

EGM Electricity Markets


Ben Bristow

Head of Grid Transformation (acting), Asset Management
Western Power


Rob Wilson

Head of Western Australia
Clean Energy Finance Corporation

11:00 am - 11:30 am (9am AWST) - EPRI: The Functional Requirements of Microgrid Controllers to Ensure Optimal Power Supply

Mark McGranaghan - Vice President of Integrated Grid, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), USA

EPRI as a research institute have a wealth of expertise in the technical functionality of Microgrids and in this session will examine use cases and the associated requirements for the microgrid controller functions.

  • Coordination of local generation, loads and storage
  • Optimizing local conditions based on prices, priorities, control signals and power quality
  • Monitoring of conditions on the supply system and within the microgrid
  • Providing flexibility services to the supply system
  • Disconnection and local management in isolated mode
  • Synchronizing with the distribution system in connected mode

Mark McGranaghan

Vice President of Integrated Grid
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), USA

11:30 am - 12:00 pm (9.30am AWST) - Break / End of Essential Track Day 2

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (10am AWST) - Are you a premium digital pass holder? Email us at for your premium digital experience kit