A/NZ's Leading Virtual Summit For Exploring the Consumer Data Right & Open Banking In Australia & Around The Globe

May 27, 2021| 9:10am - 10:50am AEST

Virtual Program

9:10 am - 9:15 am Opening Remarks from the Chair

Paul Leahy - Country Manager ANZ, Qlik


Paul Leahy

Country Manager ANZ

9:15 am - 9:45 am Australian Banking Association: The Current State of the Industry and Lessons to Be Learned From The Past 12 Months.

Emma Penzo - Policy Director, Australian Banking Association

The 1st July 2020 saw the big 4 banks obliged to meet the first stage of compliance under Open Banking. This has begun the first stage of compliance to the CDR, and all financial institutions in A/NZ will have to follow their lead. In this session, we will hear experiences, lessons learned to guide financial institutions on best practice in these early stages of Open Banking, and also what the future could look like for A/NZ, particularly as we explore policy and regulation changes.


  • Coping with legislative uncertainty and immaturity around Open Banking
  • Lessons learned and realistic expectations of achieving compliance
  • Critical considerations and possible pitfalls to pre-empt
  • What can the A/NZ market learn from global peers

Emma Penzo

Policy Director
Australian Banking Association

It is important to recognise that without consumer trust, the premise of open banking becomes obsolete. If customers do not feel comfortable with data sharing, then how can we grow and maximise the value of open banking, and create more value for the customers through new products and service offerings. This panel will talk to how important it is for banks and fintech’s to prioritise trust amongst their customers in order to access open banking at its fullest potential. Our panelists will talk about why the following topics are important for them:

Discussion Points:

  • Why is consumer trust so important for open banking ecosystem, the organisation and for the data, and in particular, how it is used?
  • How does strengthened trust with the consumer, open up opportunity for more product and service offerings?
  • Giving the digital identity back to the customer. How can digital identity solve uncertainty amongst open banking skeptics?
  • How can we look to integrate banks more? What role does Open Banking have with integration of banks and services?

Joy Millar

Payment Strategy and Innovation


Krista Bell

Senior Manager Data Governance
Beyond Bank Australia


Jody Bullen

Digital Banking Lead - Open Banking

10:25 am - 10:55 am Seizing the Consumer moment in CDR

CK Tan - Senior Director, Solutions and Value Engineering, Qlik

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) in Australia was introduced to give consumers and small business more control over the data. It also offers massive potential for financial services companies to innovate and compete using CDR data. However, there is still a general lack of customer awareness of the potential benefits of the CDR and limited use cases is impeding its uptake.

One of the key obstacles to its success lies in the complexity of capturing the consumer moments to offer a superior customer experience and driving innovative products. In this session, we will discuss these customer moments and how you can seize these moments and arm your people and systems with up-to-date, real-time information and analysis and triggering of action.


CK Tan

Senior Director, Solutions and Value Engineering

10:50 am - 10:50 am Closing Remarks

Paul Leahy - Country Manager ANZ, Qlik

Paul Leahy

Country Manager ANZ