Bridging the Gap Between Digital Environments and Human Connections

Due to the changing landscape caused by the COVID-19 pandemic it has become increasingly hard for organizations to connect with their customers with the same authenticity and transparency as before. Thankfully, we are living in a digital age and the rise of social media and other digital platforms has placed customers at our fingertips. But how do you cut through the increasing noise to ensure your message is not only received, but received correctly? Additionally, newer generations, like Gen Z and millennials, are placing a higher value on an organization's transparency. They want to know who the organization is before committing to a purchase. Because of this shift, both caused by the pandemic and generational changes, it has become more beneficial for organizations to find new and unique ways to directly engage with the customer and provide them with the authenticity and transparency they crave. 

At the Digital Marketing Exchange, the Director of Social Newgathering for NBC Universal, Jareen Imam, will be leading a discussion to answer these questions. Jareen is diving into how NBCUniversal is connecting with real people on social and digital platforms at a time when people feel isolated. With the unfortunate rise in hate crimes, NBCUniversal is listening and taking customer stories seriously. In this virtual discussion attendees will discover how to show their organization is socially and civically engaged while providing the transparency the public craves. 

For more information on the Digital Marketing Exchange view our agenda here