Clinical Trial Partnerships in Oncology
 Assessing the Landscape of Clinical Trial Design, Planning and Execution for Cancer Therapies

May 19, 2021 | Live Virtual Forum (EST)

Vera Hoffman

CEO & Co Founder Reveal Pharma

Vera Hoffman is the CEO and co-founder of Reveal Pharmaceuticals. She is Principal Investigator on Reveal's two Fast Track SBIR grants, which are funded by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Previously, Vera directed startups and high growth enterprises from idea stage through global scale. She developed the initial business plan for Acquia ($1B exit, 2019); led teams across six continents to identify, plan, and execute new business opportunities for one of the world's largest companies; and guided the design, development, and commercialization of over a dozen innovative technology-based products. Vera has degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics and an MBA from Harvard Business School.