Re-Thinking Clinical Trials in Oncology
 Assessing the landscape of novel trial design for cancer therapies to improve data collection, enhance patient access, and drive clinical outcomes for breakthrough therapies

October 28, 2020 | Live Virtual Forum (EST)

Marvella E. Ford, PhD

Associate Director, Population Sciences and Cancer Disparities; SmartState Endowed Chair, Cancer Disparities Research Medical Hollings Cancer Center; University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University

Dr. Ford received her MSW, MS, PhD, and postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI where she was awarded pre- and post-doctoral fellowships from the National Institute on Aging. Subsequently, she held faculty positions at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, MI and Baylor College of Medicine before coming to MUSC and the Hollings Cancer Center. Her training in the social determinants of health affecting disease and its treatment has uniquely positioned her to take a leading role in tackling a distressing and incompletely understood public health problem in the state: the fact that societal differences in the population can lead to markedly different health outcomes for members of diverse racial and ethnic groups. An overarching goal of Dr. Ford's current research is to identify and address the disparities in cancer diagnosis and treatment success due to age, race, geography and other contextual and/or socioeconomic factors. To that end, she is the leader on several projects examining behavioral and community engagement factors affecting resource utilization, access to care and clinical trial recruitment and retention of members of underserved populations in the state. Understanding of these factors in turn informs her other efforts to help design and disseminate effective strategies for enhancing patient education and decision making between underserved patients and their care providers. In her other research projects, Dr. Ford applies her public health expertise towards the definition of population-specific and innate genetic, metabolic and physiologic factors that determine cancer diagnosis, progression, and treatment outcomes, primarily in older adults. Working with Dr. David P. Turner, these latter studies include the study of a specific set of inflammatory nutritional metabolites known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Exploring the linkage between population-specific and differential AGE levels as a possible contributor to disparate outcomes is a focal point of the translational NIH/NCI-funded U54 Cancer Disparities Research Center (SC CADRE) co-led by Dr. Ford at MUSC and by Dr. Judith D. Salley at South Carolina State University.


12:30 PM Improving Diversity, Inclusion & Health Equity in Cancer Clinical Trials

Disparate rates of enrollment of racial and ethnic minorities and medically underserved populations in cancer clinical trials is well documented. Understand how this factor not only impacts the validity of trial results and increases health disparities for under-served communities and patients. Explore how trials might engage novel strategies to diversify their studies and also the wider social and economic factors affecting health equity that need to be addressed to truly overcome barriers for cancer patients from underrepresented populations.