In preparation for ITFM 2019, we wanted to exclusively share these past presentations with you. Below you will find expert content on:
Ensuring compliance and ensuring that a firm is not under-licensed are often the primary objectives for software asset managers. But license optimization, IT security and implementing processes and policies are just some of the areas in which Software Asset Management (SAM) can save money for companies.
In this presentation, Asif Bhaidu, Program Director, Ogilvy Global Business Technology Group, presents on:
One of the key milestones for an IT Finance organization is to calculate the total cost of ownership for each enterprise application. With the introduction of Cloud technologies (IaaS,
Saas, PaaS, etc), this can be complex to develop financial models in addition to providing apples-to-apples comparisons.
Brian Toba, Senior Manager, Information Technology Services, Deloitte, presents on:
This presentation is geared towards resource-constrained ITFM teams that are challenged by consistent data reproduction. Do you struggle to defend your data because of manual
inefficiencies and cumbersome operational reporting? By focusing on processes, and understanding where data is, you can gain better clarity on how much you’re spending, what
specifically you’re buying, and who benefits from these investments.
Pia Wakefield, Financial Planning & Analysis, TBM Lead, Red Hat, presents on:
Transformation is everywhere; in every industry, every business – large and small. But what does it mean for your organization? This presentation will arm you with a framework, tools, and
actionable steps to drive the business, financial, and technology decisions needed to be successful throughout the transformation journey, and it will describe the common pitfalls and
lessons learned at each phase along the way.
Byron Gregg, VP, Strategy and Planning, Fidelity Investments, presents on:
Companies large and small are undergoing significant transformations. VSP Global has built an effective operating model that drives higher levels of accountability, partnership and
value to the business. View this presentation to understand the value of the IT-as-a-Service model in enabling the concept of Running IT as a Business. Examples are shared on how
VSP built a system to support these key pillars of transformation:
Presentation by Ed Hoy, Senior Director, Technology Portfolio and Business Management, VSP Global.