Georgene McNeil

Dementia & Behavior Management Lead Uniting NSW

Aged Care in a COVID-19 Era: Day 1 Agenda, Wednesday 8 July 2020

12:30 PM How Uniting NSW is rolling out new technologies to Keep Residents Active and Socially Connected

Over the past couple of months, Uniting NSW has trialed a number of innovative projects to improve residents well-being and mental health during isolation. From their ‘Virtual Visitors’ program to music therapy and the use of audio and video entertainment, Uniting NSW is utilising new technologies to provided continued support to residents and ensure they stay socially connected with their peers and relatives.

This session will explore how Uniting NSW rolled out this initiative in a sustainable way across many of their sites, including:

  • Building the business case and fast-tracking the implementation of this successful trial of this project in 5 sites and plan to roll out across a further 20 sites across NSW
  • The significant results to date, particularly on resident engagement and its potential impact on reducing medication use
  • Developing a sustainable and seamless plan for integrating social technology into your organisation


Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Georgene.

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