Ginger Nocom

Group Head of Change Management Ruralco

Conference Day One: Tuesday, 26 November 2019

4:20 PM AGILE ROUNDTABLES: Coordinating Digital Workplace Initiatives That Take A Whole of Business Approach

Taking on the concept of lean interactive discussion groups, Agile Roundtables are interactive stand-ups  where participants gather into smaller groups, vote on the agenda based on the theme, and start the conversation.  The agenda for the roundtable discussions will be democratically generated, drawing upon the day’s learnings.

1.    How do we prepare disparate teams for the benefits of a unified set of communication tools?
2.    What type of digital workplace will suit a multi-generational workforce?
3.    How do we lead and manage flexible teams?
4.    How do we create a sense of team when the team is not physically together?
5.    How do we effectively use digital collaboration tools to increase productivity and performance?
6.    Are tools and technology enough to drive engagement and collaboration?
7.    How do we bridge the digital skills gap?
8.    How do we close the gap between workforce and consumer technology?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ginger.

Download The Latest Agenda