Eneko Sola García from Narbawind, Spain on Craneless Turbine Installation System

See how Nabrawind Spain is contributing to the Wind Turbine Towers 2024 conference in our conference agenda!

What do you believe to be the main challenge facing the Wind Turbine Towers industry, in terms of installation and related logistics?

believe that the main challenge facing the Wind Turbine Towers industry in terms of installation and logistics is the increasing height of the towers. With the arrival of 6-8MW wind turbines, all towers will be over 100m tall, with expected average heights of 130-140m in a few years. The traditional tubular metal tower concept is under pressure with this scenario, as the strong loads and large heights complicate the development of cost-efficient solutions with transportable diameters. Additionally, the increase in height along with the increase in component weights further reduces the number of cranes that can be used for assembly. This will lead to alternative tower technologies (segmented towers, concrete towers, jacket-type towers) that were previously only considered for niche markets or very tall towers becoming much more common as part of conventional projects. Similarly, new assembly systems will be progressively implemented. In the case of Nabrawind, we are already prepared for this change, with our Nabralift tower models for 6-7MW that will begin delivery in 2024 and our self-erection system, which allows for the assembly of towers without the need for large cranes.

Can you give us some brief insights into the self erecting system upgrade that you are to speak about at the upcoming conference?

Sure, our self-erecting system upgrade eliminates the need for medium-sized cranes during the assembly process of the wind turbine. Currently, our towers still require a medium-sized crane for the assembly of the tubular tower, nacelle, and rotor. At the upcoming conference, we will be presenting an upgrade to our process that allows for the assembly of the entire wind turbine using our self-erection system. This will provide cost savings and improved efficiency during the assembly process.

What will our attendees uncover about the latest developments with installation processes under wind speeds of 15 m/s and applications to large wind farms?

At the conference, we will show our latest developments in installation processes under wind speeds of 15 m/s and their applications to large wind farms. We will share real examples of how our foundation, tower, and assembly solutions have been successfully used to assemble wind turbines under wind speeds of 15 m/s, and how this combination allows for significant cost and time savings when it comes to the assembly of large wind farms. Additionally, we will discuss the key features of our solutions that make it possible to install turbines in harsh environments and under high wind speeds.

Want to know who will be present at the Wind Turbine Towers 2024? Check our speaker panel out!