Ian has 31 years policing experience working in Lancashire and then for 7 years in Merseyside Police, across 4 different Chief Officer portfolios and the last 2 of which as the Deputy Chief Constable (DCC).
Ian was Head of Public Protection in Lancashire for four years and sat as an executive member on three Safeguarding Boards. He has been the National Policing Lead for Child Protection for the last three years and since retiring as a Police Officer has continued in the role as National Lead. Ian is a member of SPEG (strategic partnership engagement group) and works nationally with police colleagues, partners, and Government to make improvements in policing and across the system continuing to influence the Government Reform programme and enhance policing working closely with the College of Policing. He has given evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee, IICSA and a number of parliamentary Inquiries.
Ian has extensive operational command experience as a career Detective leading investigations and strategic reviews into sexual abuse by prominent figures , and homicide including two no body murders of teenagers in Blackpool.More latterly he led the force with the Chief Constable through critical incidents including a suicide bombing at the Liverpool Womens Hospital, the murder of a 12 year old in Liverpool City Centre and the tragic shooting and murder of a 9 year old girl in Liverpool.
Ian is proactive in his commitment to diversity , inclusion and well being , in both his own personal development and that of colleagues and partners . He manages this through raising funds for child protection and Police Well Being charities. His biggest achievement though is having a fantastic family, his recently retired wife Jeanette was a Public protection Detective and he has 3 daughters of whom he is most proud .
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