Erik Vos

Material & Process Engineer Composites We4Ce

Conference Day 1

11:30 AM Panel Discussion | Embracing the Horizon: Tackling Challenges in XXL Rotor Blades for Wind Energy

Join our panel discussion on XXL Rotor Blades, where we will explore the unique challenges they pose to the Rotor Blades industry and delve into effective strategies for tackling these challenges while ensuring longevity, cost-efficiency, and addressing operational concerns. Discover how advancements in technology and innovative approaches are shaping the future of XXL rotor blade development.

• Discuss the technical challenges associated with XXL rotor blades, including structural integrity, aerodynamics, and transportation logistics, and explore engineering solutions to optimize performance.

• Explore cost considerations in XXL rotor blade production and how manufacturing processes can be optimized to achieve economies of scale without compromising quality.

• Address operational concerns such as maintenance accessibility, repairability, and blade lifespan, and identify strategies to enhance reliability and reduce downtime.

• Highlight the importance of collaboration between industry stakeholders, research institutions, and manufacturers to collectively overcome challenges and drive innovation in XXL rotor blade technology.

Edo Kuipers, Co-Owner and Engineering Manager, We4Ce B.V.

Dr. Steffen Czichon, Head of Department, Fraunhofer IWES

Alexander Krimmer, Senior Engineer, TPI Composites

Conference Day 2

9:40 AM Enhancing Blade Refits: Refit Front Infusion Technology and Steel Inserts

• Introducing Refit Front Infusion Technology, utilizing steel inserts to address

loose bushings in blade refits, reducing waste and improving performance.

• Examining the suitability of Refit Front Infusion Technology for resolving

loose bushings in larger blades at the M36 level, avoiding the need for blade


• Highlighting the environmental advantages of Refit Front Infusion

Technology by enabling repair and refurbishment, minimizing the disposal

of blades with loose bushings.

• Ensuring reliability and safety through adherence to IEC 6400-5 regulations

in the testing of Refit Front Infusion Technology, assuring its effectiveness

and quality.

Erik Vos

Materials and Processing Engineer

We4Ce – The Rotorblade Specialist

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Erik.

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