Delivering Better Outcomes for People in Custody Through Reform, Rehabilitation and Facilities

24 - 26 March, 2025 | Sydney, Australia

Alex Newman

Director XSquared

Main Conference Day One: Tuesday, 26th March 2024

3:20 PM Best Practice Correctional Facilities Review in Scandinavia and Europe

This session offers a deep dive into Europe’s cutting-edge prisons, featuring visits to institutions such as Limerick Prison, HMP Addiewell, Sollentuna Prison, Halden Prison, Holmsheidi Prison, Snog Prison, Litla-Hraun Prison, and Nuuk Prison. This session will explore various prison management systems, while also engaging architects to gain a comprehensive understanding of these projects. As an architect, the speaker highlights the value of post-occupancy feedback in shaping future endeavours, making this an intriguing exploration of how these innovative prisons are redefining correctional facilities in Europe. 

Main Conference Day Two: Wednesday, 27th March 2024

9:30 AM Panel Discussion: Designing Prisons for the Future: Integrating Innovation and Future Needs

This session delves into the crucial topic of designing prisons that meet the evolving needs of the future. Explore how architects, policymakers, and stakeholders can collaborate to create correctional facilities that prioritise efficiency, safety, and rehabilitation. Examine cutting-edge design concepts and technologies that promote humane living conditions, promote mental and physical well-being, and foster effective prisoner rehabilitation. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Alex.

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