What do you consider to be key steps for robust and resilient online safety implementation?

Safety cannot be an afterthought, it should be build in from conception, truly “Safety by design”. Tools such as block, mute and report are table stakes, companies should innovate and where possible build specific tools which support all aspects of their platform, text chat and voice chat require very different tools for example.

How can companies ensure they are fit to comply with new regulations like OSA and DSA for online safety?

Robust risk assessment processes are essential, considering each step of a user journey through your platform helps. Get involved! Attend the roundtables, consult with experts.

How can companies expand trust and safety practices effectively with constraints on resources?

The growth of generative AI provides a golden opportunity to grow automated systems, however humans are an essential element of safety, don’t cut corners!

What emerging trends can we anticipate in trust and safety innovations as we move into 2024?

The rapid growth of safety tech throughout the pandemic and beyond shows no sign of slowing down. I expect more innovation around the use of AI, but also a regulatory push back forcing companies to hire safety experts back into roles.

Given the vital role of collaboration in ensuring a safe online environment for children, which initiatives or organizations should companies consider to improve their trust and safety efforts?

There are multiple organisations bringing Trust and Safety experts together, these include the Oasis Consortium, TSPA, TS Collective, Fair Play Alliance and more. More official initiatives such as the Tech Coalition and WeProtect are also essential for companies to join, often the initiatives which come out of these projects have a positive effect across the entire industry and become expected standards. In addition there are global groups focused on specific areas of harm, TVE (Terrorism and Violent Extremism) is a particular area where shared innovation and communication is essential, groups such as the Christchurch Call and Tech Against Terrorism are highly effective examples.

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