Exhibitor Warning | The Customer Show


It has been brought to our attention that there have been a number of fraudulent companies targeting our event partners for The Customer Show claiming to have access and offering to ‘sell’ our attendee data for a fee.

Please note these companies are in no way affiliated with The Customer Show and do not have access to any of our attendee information. Whilst we are doing our best to try identify and stop these companies from targeting our event partners, this is unfortunately a reoccurring scam in the exhibition industry.

The Customer Show team would like to reassure all of our event partners that we do not sell our event attendee lists and any external company claiming to have access to this information is a fraudulent company. Should you receive any communication from an external company please disregard and do not attempt to purchase these lists as they will be incorrect and fabricated.

We would like to remind our exhibitors to always check our contracted event suppliers via your online exhibitor portal. Please see more advice put together by the Association of Event Organisers.

Should you have any questions, concerns or wish to chat further please reach out at any time on info@customershow.com.au